So we all know that any weight loss program means nothing without actually moving your body every day. It's hard. sometimes really hard depending on how out of shape you may be. Yet, every day you do not start is one more day you are not your best self. Do it for you. This morning I started with a 20 minute body pump routine. For those of you that are not familiar with body pump..let me just say... it is rough. Really rough. At first anyway...then it gets easier. A made the mistake a couple weeks ago of pushing my way through en entire 45 minute body pump video and I paid for it for days afterward. I could barely move the next day. I hurt on every inch of my body. I took a couple days off and did a much smaller routine after that. Today, found a great 20 minute video (YouTube is awesome for this stuff!) that wasn't too intense yet I still feel like I got a good workout in. I followed it up with a brisk 20 minute walk around my neighborhood.
Each day I will give you a brief run down of my exercise routine.
Today's Routine:
20 minute body pump
20 minute brisk walk
It does not matter what exercise you choose to start with...just start. Get moving! Have a great day!
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