Here I am, writing my first blog post. I have wanted to do this for a while. Mainly, I have wanted to hold myself accountable. I want to make some changes for myself and my family. I know there are so many out there that want to start a journey to wellness but it can seem very overwhelming. I want the focus of my blog to be on overall wellness and not just weight loss. Although, weight loss is definitely a priority for me. I love all things related to wellness and I have so much to share. I am constantly trying out one thing or another to determine if it may be benefecial for me. This includes nutrition, juicing, skin care, mediation and really anything that that contributes to my overall wellness. Because really..wellness is more than just one thing. It's a combination of many things that all work to make you feel better and improve your wellness and well-being.
If you are reading this, and you have wanted to start on your own health journey, no matter for what reason or how much weight you want to lose (if you even want to lose weight or perhaps just improve your wellness), I hope you can benefit from my journey and somehow it can also improve your life in any small way.
Let the Journey Begin...